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Iris and the Star of Oblivion

4.6 ( 4016 ratings )
Entretenimiento Libros
Desarrollador Vadim Panov
3.99 USD

“This world is so far away that you cannot get to it! This world is so close that you can reach out and touch it, and we often, without even noticing, pass through it. We touch real, live Magic and we smile. Because it makes us warm and happy. Because this world is Fairelandia...”
A wonderful book that everyone will find interesting!
A fairy enchanting story by well-known Vadim Panov for those, who love reading…
A beautiful world of kindness and friendship is near us. A world of joy and smile, where common girls turn into fairies with magical abilities. The world full of wonders and miraculous creatures is next to us.
Fairelandia is a wave away.
But this world has got dreadful enemies.
The Queen of the Blight is longing for conquering Fairelandia, cast fairies out and turn it into a black wasteland.
Her plan has almost come true, but Iris, the last one from The Court of the Unvanquished, is the only person able to stop the invasion. If she loses, the Fairelandia dies.

Read about interesting and dangerous adventures of Iris, meet her unusual friends and take part in awe-inspiring battle against Dark powers.

- Exciting adventures in a unique world
- Unexpected story twists
- Marvellous illustrations made by Roman Papsuev, that create fabulous atmosphere
- Read in English, Russian, and Chinese languages

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